December 31, 2008

  • January 1 - Starting off the new year. 
  • January 19 - Getting to drive for the first time ever in my life, well in a car in public that is. I didn’t even have my permit yet. 
  • February 1 - Making the dumbest movie ever with Garrick and Dillon. 
  • February 26 - Trying out for Soccer even though I didn’t make the team. 
  • March 7 - Doing my Eagle Scout Project alongside Mial Fessenden and finishing it the next day and the Lock-In we had the same day. 
  •  March 15 - Earning my Eagle Scout Rank 
  • March 20 - Seeing Tennessee for the first time in my life, even though it was for an hour and thirty minutes. 
  • April 12 - After some DMV complications with the camera I get my permit! 
  • April 15 - Getting to go with a Select group of Eagle Scouts to go inside the White House basement alongside with Patrick Coleman and Sam Hensle. 
  •  April 16 - Being recorded on national TV and getting to see Pope Benedict and President Bush, and being able to represent BSA. 
  • May 16 - Successfully making a movie that would showed as an English Project. Making Acceleration was fun. Thanks to Garrett Clay, T.P., Rory Walter, Stephen Goodrick and Garrick LaBriola that helped me make the movie. 
  • May 31 - Watching my sister graduate from high school. This was from Saint Margaret’s School in Tappahannock, Virginia. 
  •  June 13 - The last day of my freshman year of high school. Spending part of it with what was an awesome English class. 
  •  June 18 - Becoming the first scout in two years to get an Eagle Bronze Palm. June 25 - When working at an archery range in Haymarket, getting my first bulls-eye, then texting the picture of it to all my friends. 
  •  July 13 - When I saw Anna at the pool and my brother and sister got mad at me cause I stayed at the pool and two hours longer than they wanted to. 
  • July 17 - Taking that boring Geometry class and during our 10 minute break, we took a 45 minute break and ditched the class with the new friends I made. It was awesome doing that. July 23 - Winning my family’s inaugural summer tournament “Beach Bash ’08” with my brother and sister. 
  • July 28 - Making the movie Benjamin Meadow with Garrick and Garrett. Ben Field knows he loves the movie. 
  •  July 30 - Apparently I was sleeping at the pool and Rachel Metz claimed to see me, but she was scared to wake me up. 
  •  August 4 - Having to come home from Goshen early because of the e. coli outbreak at the camp. Thankfully I was a-ok. 
  •  August 10 - Getting back home from going to New Jersey with Dillon Nold, my brother’s friend. It was fun, but I was mad I didn’t get to bring any friends with me. My parents would think I would bring too many people. 
  •  August 15 - Seeing the wonderful movie “Tropic Thunder” with some friends, it was truly an interesting movie. A few days later I would see “Step Brothers”. August 20 - Going bowling with some friends even if I was in dead last. 
  •  August 23 - Seeing my sister go off to college. It was so cool to see a college campus. Roanoke College is a nice school, but it’s small. 
  • August 24 - Getting revenge on Anna by beating her in bowling. A memory Anna doesn’t want to remember. 
  • September 20 - Homecoming ’08. Enough said. 
  • September 24 - Turning 16, it was an awesome birthday. So many people remembered and I got some awesome gifts from friends and family. 
  •  October 4 - The Order of the Arrow Ordeal. It sucked, but I got into an Honor Society. 
  •  October 12 - Clifton Day. Had to campaign in an historical election supporting Obama, Warner and Conelley who all won their elections. I got all my AP Government hours that day campaigning with Michael Callo, Ben Johnson, Tim Ferrell and Dillon Meyer. I also saw Laura and Ada there which was cool. 
  • October 31 - Dressing up as an Indian man at Mariam’s Halloween Party. I looked terrible though, but I look back and chuckle.
  •  November 2 - Making a Public Service Announcement on Kidnapping with Michael Willis and Dillon Meyer. 
  • November 10 - Starting Indoor Track and it’s fun and pain involved. 
  • November 22 - Getting to go paint balling for the first time in two years even though my gun kept malfunctioning. 
  •  December 6 - Going to my first track scrimmage and going to a bonfire all at the same time. Oh yeah, starting Tyler Talk. 
  •  December 12 - Truly an infamous day, worst day of the year. Got ripped off at the track meet. 
  • December 17 - Finally getting elected as Senior Patrol Leader. 
  • December 19 - After a rebound from the 12th, I went on to win my 1000 meter race and run a 11:02 in a 3200 meter race. Awesome day. 
  • December 27 - Winning the family’s air hockey tournament again. I made history being the first person to win it back to back. 
  • December 31 - Reminiscing the events that occurred in 2008. Also having a bizarre track practice. A freak snow storm came in with 50 mph winds.

Memorable events for me in 2008

January 1 - Starting off the new year.  January 19 - Getting to drive for the first time ever in my life, well in a car in public that is...
Without any hesitation, my biggest memory of 2008 was earning my Eagle Scout rank, which I earned ironically on my dad’s birthday. March 15, 2008. I had my Eagle Scout Project a week earlier on March 7, 2008. I was extremely happy and proud that I finished something I began working on March 6, 2004; almost exactly four years earlier.

I still perfectly remember the events that went on during that day. I got decked out in my stylish Boy Scout uniform and my dad drove me to the Clifton Presbyterian Church. I still couldn’t get my learner’s permit until April. Usually most people don’t get their Eagle until right before they turn 18. I got mine while I was still 15 and 6 months. That’s extremely young to get the rank. There I met the adult leaders that were going to run my Eagle Scout Board of Review. Two were two people I knew really well, Sam Hensle and Michael Dulan’s fathers. The other man was a veteran Scout lead named Mr. Barnsten who had been active in Boy Scouts since 1944. That’s a long time to say the least.

There they made me do the typical Scout Oath, Law, etc. Then they asked me an array of questions I probably cannot tell outside of the board. Then I shared my favorite Scout memories. From the early days of Goshen in the Summer of 2004 to a little more recent journey to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico in the Summer of 2007.

It was a priding feeling passing the board of review with flying colours, then my Eagle Court of Honor in May. That was fairly priding too. That day I think my dad was the most proud of me ever. I mean countless times he’s been proud of me some as recent as winning a track race a few weeks ago, but that showed him how much I could accomplish.

Also, what made it cool was exactly one month later, on April 15-16, I was chosen as a select Eagle Scout as part of the 30 Eagle Scouts from the Washington D.C. area to go welcome the Pope as he came to visit the White House with President Bush. My dad said that new doors would open when I got Eagle, they did. That was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Biggest 2008 Memory for me

Without any hesitation, my biggest memory of 2008 was earning my Eagle Scout rank, which I earned ironically on my dad’s birthday. March 15,...

December 28, 2008

I'm not sure if all of you know what that is, but I just made a Twitter account. You can "follow me" (wow, that sounds oddly creepy) at this link:


I'm now on Twitter

I'm not sure if all of you know what that is, but I just made a Twitter account. You can "follow me" (wow, that sounds oddly c...

December 21, 2008

This instant messaging excerpt was originally on AIM, but made its way over to Mike's Mike's Mind. Some of you aren't Facebook friends with Mike so you can't see it.

As you could imagine, I'm "socafanatik92" and he's "mcwillis01"...

Going bonkers on AIM

This instant messaging excerpt was originally on AIM, but made its way over to Mike's Mike's Mind . Some of you aren't Facebook...

December 16, 2008

Sorry Matt, it had to be done.

Matt, you're a camera whore

Sorry Matt, it had to be done.

December 06, 2008

Sort of. I mean, it wasn't ACTUALLY the first track meet. That's a week from today at Thomas Jefferson Middle School. Yes, a HIGH SCHOOL track meet at a MIDDLE SCHOOL. Don't get me started...

But today I had my first track meet, or scrimmage, as it the website said it was. Really, most of the day was spent in the gym trying to entertain ourselves. Not hard with a camera...

First track meet

Sort of. I mean, it wasn't ACTUALLY the first track meet. That's a week from today at Thomas Jefferson Middle School. Yes, a HIGH SC...
Some of you might have heard this, but apparently, a Church is being sued over the types of trees being sold? Apparently, it violates some fire policy. Seems unnecessary.

Church being sued over Christmas trees

Some of you might have heard this, but apparently, a Church is being sued over the types of trees being sold? Apparently, it violates some f...
I guess I got inspiration to do this from Patrick Mortiere's Notes series called My Current Status, and it gave me this idea to do a blog-like series documenting my life, commentary, and input on random stuff I find interesting or hilarious.

I doubt a ton of people will read this or delve into it, but who knows. I'll start tagging some people, typing away, and see where it takes me.


Welcome to Tyler Talk

I guess I got inspiration to do this from Patrick Mortiere's Notes series called My Current Status , and it gave me this idea to do a bl...

April 29, 2008


Create a story

It's been confusing to tell how I lived. It was an unusual genetic error, that scientists told me. This was a change in the kind of species laboratories told me I mutated into. I was immune to toxic liquids.

I was chosen at random to go to a laboratory in New Mexico. They were neuropsychologists making and developing types of liquids that could potentially be required in every medical cabinet within a decade. The prototype solvent would balance out any type of liquid that the person drank no matter how dangerous or how flammable these acids could have been.


ENGLISH 9 JOURNAL ENTRY Create a story It's been confusing to tell how I lived. It was an unusual genetic error, that scientists tol...

April 25, 2008

  1. Eat poop
  2. Gouge out my eyeballs
  3. Pet a tarantula
  4. Cut off a limb
  5. Give up soccer
  6. Shoot myself in the foot
  7. Cheer the Mexican national soccer team
  8. Cheer the New York Red Bulls
  9. Drink gasoline
  10. Fall from an airplane with no parachute

10 Things I Will NEVER do

Eat poop Gouge out my eyeballs Pet a tarantula Cut off a limb Give up soccer Shoot myself in the foot Cheer the Mexican national soc...

April 21, 2008

So, below is an embedded video I made for my English project. Really it was just me and my friends having fun with a camera. Got a 95% on it...maybe having my English teacher's son in the trailer helped?

Anyways, it's based off of the 2002 novel, entitled Acceleration. Enjoy:


So, below is an embedded video I made for my English project. Really it was just me and my friends having fun with a camera. Got a 95% on it...

April 17, 2008

It's a once in a lifetime experience to see the pope, or in about 10 years to see a post from the past. It was a two-day event. First we met at the Willard hotel to talk about and organized. My group involved scouts from all over the National Capital Area Council (NCAC) ranging from Annapolis to Woodbridge.

Looking Back: Seeing the President and the Pope

It's a once in a lifetime experience to see the pope, or in about 10 years to see a post from the past. It was a two-day event. First we...

February 25, 2008


Well I was all excited today about soccer tryouts. But that excitement was halted by a scene that looks like I got too excited. I was walking to class, then I waled through a heavy crowd of people. I walked out of the main pack then, I felt something wet on my left thigh. I thought "this does not feel right" so I looked down to see someone had poured water on my pants. Well, looking at the stain now, it was more of squirt than pour. If they poured it, I would have noticed then whacked them with the bottle. So now, an upside-down anchor-shaped stain is on my paints. I'm just glad though it's the last period of the day and that I do not need to wear jeans for soccer tryouts.

Watered pants

ENGLISH 9 JOURNAL ENTRY Well I was all excited today about soccer tryouts. But that excitement was halted by a scene that looks like I got...

February 21, 2008

Michael began to cry. He had turned into a wreck over the last few years. He sniffed too much 'secret' sugar as he called it. A druggie, he was a hopeless human being. It is what Michael became. Depression had severely struck him. Solely because of nose candy/crack, etc. Seeing the agony amongst him was heartbreaking, seeing his big red eyes and how he became messed up was a tragedy. I tried approaching him, but he almost broke my wrist so I left him be. Rehab would be the way for Michael, as once a good guy turned into a psycho drug whore.

Michael began to cry

Michael began to cry. He had turned into a wreck over the last few years. He sniffed too much 'secret' sugar as he called it. A drug...

February 19, 2008

I believe that most of the time, I am open to instruction, but sometime if I do not get it or understand, I'll try to do it on my own. This can lead to many things. It can be either an A: be better than what I asked. B: ironically but what was asked of correctly or C: be a total distater. Sometimes, I guess, I could tened to be stubborn to something I strongly believe in and be ignorant of others. But it has to be something I truly believe in. Like soccer is amazing.

My open/close minded state

I believe that most of the time, I am open to instruction, but sometime if I do not get it or understand, I'll try to do it on my own. T...

January 14, 2008


I have the worst of the worst tastes in my mouth today. It has to relate to an unexpected nose bleed earlier during 5th period Spanish. Even then I was asking myself, how I got it. ME? NOSEBLEED? Don't get it. I never get them. But then my nose stopped, and well, for the next 30 minutes I continuously spat out blood. I'm not spitting out anymore, but damn, blood tastes horrible. I guess this why blood doesn't belong in your mouth. Since that's where air belongs. Ugh, I still have the taste.

Also, happy birthday Mr. LaBriola. 

Bloody mouth

ENGLISH 9 JOURNAL ENTRY I have the worst of the worst tastes in my mouth today. It has to relate to an unexpected nose bleed earlier d...

January 10, 2008


P.E. should be a required class. For the idiots out there, that's Physical Education. As in you use your body (get the dirty thoughts out of your head) to earn good grades. We live in a country congested with a bunch of fat kids, and a ton of obese kids. So, if you get rid of P.E. you will create schools of fat people, and frankly, I do not want to only see fat people. Without PE, that's a hard reality check. Fatness galore. So...much...fat. Hey, also, on the topic of P.E. it does that good stuff like teamwork, character and effort. I see PE as being an important circular class and I think it would be SHAMEFUL, I REPEAT SHAMEFUL to lose such a class as that. Without P.E., America will be fat(er). If that's possible.

P.E. needs to be a required class

ENGLISH 9 JOURNAL ENTRY P.E. should be a required class. For the idiots out there, that's Physical Education. As in you use your body ...


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