Thanks to the assitance of fellow Valor Dictus staff writers and editors, I am across the most shocking, and scarily identical fraud of my original blog! It's—yes—another Tyler Talk blog streaming amongst the Fairfax County Public Schools students. Well, probably in the northern region of the county...and in parts of Arlington.
I was placed a snippet of his column in the Saxon Scope, Langley High School's student-run newspaper. You know what's worse? He has my name. He writes like me. He probably talks like me. He thinks like me. Anything worse?! He dresses like me, AND...he looks like me.
I wish I brought the snippet home with me. That way I could scan it into my blog to show you all. But heed my word, I'm not exaggerating all that much on the basis of him having a strikingly similar resemblance to myself. If you do not believe me ask anyone on the VD staff. EVERY ONE of them will concur.
To crack down on the impostor, I did some ground research. Since all the laptops in the school suck and cannot even stay connected to the myriad WiFi ports in our building, I had to wait until I got home (and finish my homework OF COURSE), before I could really dig into the whole bio of this guy.
Unfortunately, I was only able to land his page on the paper's website. Their staff page is short, and only has the top editors. GREAT.
No need to rant on from here. I'll post back to you on this matter when I conclude my insightful research.
UPDATE: I figured out he's a Sports Editor (makes sense) and his name is Tyler Malpede. Seems to like football though. AMERICAN football. NOT REAL FOOTBALL. Just a tint of emphasis there...
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