this April Revolution to occur throughout the school? Yes. It did in fact happen. That probably should go out to all the band (OH! Aaaaand the gutiar ensemble...lets NOT forget...) trip. Guitar ensemble likes to differentiate themselves from band.
This morning through, a little bit after 7 a.m., followers and fans of Daniel Reep's SGA Class Council campaign rallied today in the hope of a "government takeover" and facelift to the politics of the SGA. Now, I'm sure SGA (on paper) is a 'democracy' when really it's simply a totalitarian regime. By that, only the bros, douches, and ones who are egotistic and believe they're popular are stereotypically the ones in class council. Now, it's not necessarily the case in SGA at Robinson, I mean, I'm sure there's plentiful of them representing our student council, but none that ring a bell right off the tongue.
What is true, in my humble opinion, is that it's ultimately the same people always running year after year, and voter-turnouts declining. It's not because they don't like the people ( could be), but it's just...repetitive and it's reached a stale, musty level now.
Dan Reep though running for this job, is not only accomplishing a new wave on influence in student government, but the moment of people to have pride and belief in themselves to stand up for what they want. This year, amongst my class, more people (from what I've seen) have taken stances on what they believe in, and they wont back down on them. This ultimately awesome. They're wanting to do and like what they want to like, not from influence from others.
Okay, some irony. Dan's wanting you to vote because of "hardships" he proclaims are plaguing our school. We all know he's joking, but he's indirectly making symbolizations to the current state our student government is in. A bland, bland, musty cycle that's eager to get the dust blown off of it. Already, he's easily accomplished that...and hell, he's not even been elected just yet. That's tomorrow when we vote.
Now, on Dan winning a seat. Four out of five people get it. Dan's going to win, and win big. In other words, he'll have no problem getting elected in SGA. To Dan, if he's reading this. Good luck, and I'll be supporting you.
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