April 30, 2010

Please remember...so far is in-fact the keyword here. Figuratively speaking, this is my list of the Top 10 best rock songs of this decade...this year (2010) in my opinion. Has a bit of a mainstream slant, to some people at least, then again, to others it could be a bit too obscure.

Honorable mentions: Song For A Sun — Stone Temple Pilots, Watch This — Slash feat. David Grohl, Feel Like I Do — DP, The Sound (John M. Perkins' Blues) — Switchfoot

10. Between The Lines —Stone Temple Pilots

I loved practically all of STP's work from Core...to well...let's be honest. Shangri-La Dee Da sucked as an album. Hollywood Bitch was probably the only legitimate track on the album screaming of mediocrity. Velvet Revolver seemed to further "pop"-itize Wieland, especially with some of the Libertad fillers. It was a new take, and I enjoyed Libertad. Wasn't so pysched with Contraband. Back together though, the Pilots (well lie), but make a rather nostalgic rapid jingle. If you read the comments on the Stereogum blog post about the single, good points were made.

Best Rock Songs of 2010 (so far)

Please remember...so far is in-fact the keyword here. Figuratively speaking, this is my list of the Top 10 best rock songs of this decade......

April 29, 2010

An excerpt from the video:
Made a little project of songs that were popular during monthly spans of my middle school and high school years (thus far) and each song reminds me of a time back during then, and an event then. Does it do the same for you?

Do Songs Define Memories? from Tyler Walter on Vimeo.

Below is the list of all the songs for each respective month in the video. Yes, I'm more than well aware that some of them were not in fact the most popular song in your fruitless opinion during that time...well, then again. This is fairly fruitless itself then:

Songs define memories? Hmm, considerate it

An excerpt from the video:     Made a little project of songs that were popular during monthly spans of my middle school and high school y...

April 27, 2010

Might have seen my most recent Facebook posting last night regarding this video that came in my Yahoo! feed, but it was too incredibly hysterical to pass up. It was during the LA Galaxy vs. KC Wizards 95 game in Kansas City, KS last weekend. The game ended in a 0-0 tie.

MLS fail, I suppose. It's going to be on FailBlog soon enough:


MLS Fail...No, Just Kidding. Typical MLS Play.

Might have seen my most recent Facebook posting last night regarding this video that came in my Yahoo! feed, but it was too incredibly hyst...

April 26, 2010

You might have heard it first on Garrett Knows Stuff, but now it's official. Tyler Talk will be moving over to Blogger from WordPress, and will go under an extreme facelift that will take a couple weeks before the entire blog is transfered over.

We'll be completely changing the looks, design and overall interface with the blog, as well as make it more user friendly; primarily to Facebook, Twitter and Digg fans that follow Tyler Talk.

Social networking is one thing, but we'll also be re hauling the entire podcast, multimedia and sidebar options, too.

To give you a quick look at our upcoming renovation project, here's a look at our new plan for a better, more smarter, blog:

The "Super" Renovation

You might have heard it first on Garrett Knows Stuff , but now it's official. Tyler Talk will be moving over to Blogger from WordPress, ...

April 25, 2010

I feel like this could be a revival of David Weinberg and Dillon Meyer's Davidmeyer YouTube channel. I mean, we all know David LOVES Chatroullette. Dillon? Not sure there...but this dynamic duo could be them one day.


David's Future?

I feel like this could be a revival of David Weinberg and Dillon Meyer's Davidmeyer YouTube channel. I mean, we all know David LOVES Cha...

The Walter Open was a great ping pong tournament, and Dillon Meyer defeated Uvindu Wanniachchige in an epic final to win the championship 3-2 in a best-of-five series. Uvindu led the series 2-0, before Dillon made an epic 30-28 win over Uvindu in the third game. Above are pictures via my Flickr photostream of the pictures taken on the day of the knockout rounds.

Pics from the Walter Open

The Walter Open was a great ping pong tournament, and Dillon Meyer defeated Uvindu Wanniachchige in an epic final to win the championship ...

April 24, 2010

So, this April Revolution to occur throughout the school? Yes. It did in fact happen. That probably should go out to all the band (OH! Aaaaand the gutiar ensemble...lets NOT forget...) trip. Guitar ensemble likes to differentiate themselves from band.

This morning through, a little bit after 7 a.m., followers and fans of Daniel Reep's SGA Class Council campaign rallied today in the hope of a "government takeover" and facelift to the politics of the SGA. Now, I'm sure SGA (on paper) is a 'democracy' when really it's simply a totalitarian regime. By that, only the bros, douches, and ones who are egotistic and believe they're popular are stereotypically the ones in class council. Now, it's not necessarily the case in SGA at Robinson, I mean, I'm sure there's plentiful of them representing our student council, but none that ring a bell right off the tongue.

What is true, in my humble opinion, is that it's ultimately the same people always running year after year, and voter-turnouts declining. It's not because they don't like the people (well...it could be), but it's just...repetitive and it's reached a stale, musty level now.

Dan Reep though running for this job, is not only accomplishing a new wave on influence in student government, but the moment of people to have pride and belief in themselves to stand up for what they want. This year, amongst my class, more people (from what I've seen) have taken stances on what they believe in, and they wont back down on them. This ultimately awesome. They're wanting to do and like what they want to like, not from influence from others.

Okay, some irony. Dan's wanting you to vote because of "hardships" he proclaims are plaguing our school. We all know he's joking, but he's indirectly making symbolizations to the current state our student government is in. A bland, bland, musty cycle that's eager to get the dust blown off of it. Already, he's easily accomplished that...and hell, he's not even been elected just yet. That's tomorrow when we vote.

Now, on Dan winning a seat. Four out of five people get it. Dan's going to win, and win big. In other words, he'll have no problem getting elected in SGA. To Dan, if he's reading this. Good luck, and I'll be supporting you.

The April Revolution: Dan Reep’s Takeover of SGA?

So, this April Revolution to occur throughout the school? Yes. It did in fact happen. That probably should go out to all the band (OH! Aa...

April 19, 2010

I know you won't. There's only a miniscule few isn't anyone of you that really are THAT devout to Tyler Talk. What to expect though? I mean, it's a blog. So, realistically speaking, people don't read word-for-word. Well, there's exceptions, and those are shout outs.

That being said, it's time for a question that (seriously) a handful of people have been asking. The long awaited arrival of a Tyler Talk podcast series. Well, I'm finally going to start it up! News broke when I wrote it on Facebook, as do all great stories leak. I'll tweet it subsequently to the post, so I can have a bit.ly link with it. Seems like a thing you need are required to do on Twitter nowadays.

Let's actually start talking about the podcast. Right now, the first one will come out on Saturday, May 15. My goal is to have one every Saturday through mid-June. Once it's summer, I hope for it to be twice-a-week. Odds are that won't really happen. Hell, I'll be lucky to get another podcast out in May...realistically speaking...

Podcast! It's on its way, don't worry.

I know you won't. There's only a miniscule few isn't anyone of you that really are THAT devout to Tyler Talk. What to expect th...

April 18, 2010

I know. It's still on Sunday morning, and the Real Madrid vs. Valencia game on ESPN2 has still yet to play. Being the devout D.C. United fan as I am, it was evident that their loss to Chicago Fire was indeed upsetting, though nothing to my surprise. United are now 0-0-4, worst start since 1996.

Over this weekend in the lovely game of football I found out some interesting/evident news I'd like to share with you:

Crazy weekend for football (soccer)

I know. It's still on Sunday morning, and the Real Madrid vs. Valencia game on ESPN2 has still yet to play. Being the devout D.C. Unite...

April 14, 2010

Thanks to the assitance of fellow Valor Dictus staff writers and editors, I am across the most shocking, and scarily identical fraud of my original blog! It's—yes—another Tyler Talk blog streaming amongst the Fairfax County Public Schools students. Well, probably in the northern region of the county...and in parts of Arlington.

I was placed a snippet of his column in the Saxon Scope, Langley High School's student-run newspaper. You know what's worse? He has my name. He writes like me. He probably talks like me. He thinks like me. Anything worse?! He dresses like me, AND...he looks like me.

Tyler Talk at Langley High?! Imposter...

Thanks to the assitance of fellow Valor Dictus staff writers and editors , I am across the most shocking, and scarily identical fraud of my ...

April 11, 2010

Literally? Hm...
This is a story of Andrew Miller's Cinderella run in the Walter Open Ping Pong Tournament. I hope you all enjoy this through, well processed piece of writing all collaborated together on the most prestigious medium of journalism: a blog written by a teenager:

Andrew Mill...

That's all I can write. Andrew never showed up, so this story cannot happen. Andrew's a busy man.

So, because of this, here's a picture of the tournament logo to make the blog post look longer:

Iceland: Andrew's Cinderella run

Literally? Hm... This is a story of Andrew Miller's Cinderella run in the Walter Open Ping Pong Tournament. I hope you all enjoy thi...

April 06, 2010

Okay blog readers. Favor now. Local rapper Wally has a new mixtape out called Love. AND DAMN DID YOU SEE THAT COVER?!? Only joking, did design it though, but the album is incredibly well composed, lyrics are genius, and it's simply brilliant to say the least.

Download Wally's "LOVE"

Okay blog readers. Favor now. Local rapper Wally has a new mixtape out called Love . AND DAMN DID YOU SEE THAT COVER?!? Only joking, did de...


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