I have used Uvindu Wanniachchige (whew! That’s a ridiculously long last name!) multiple times in the “Photo of the Day” section below this story, but never have I really spoken much about him. He’s my favorite, least favorite, best friend and my mortal enemy that’s of Sri Lankan decent. Needless to say he’s my only friend that’s a Sri Lankan...that I know of. Seriously the kids cool and funny. And he’s my hero, especially after viewing Hot Spark. But this...hero had a flaw today and reminded us all that we all make mistakes, but he made a big no-no. And I reacted well.
Since I ate “D” lunch I ate with a unusual group of friends for the day. Uvindu was the term we coined the “trash bitch”. Basically, the trash bitch is the one that sits on the end of the table and all the trash gets accumulated to him...his or her responsibility is to throw it all away. Hence the name trash bitch. But when Uvindu was about to pick it all up, he dropped all the food, about three trays worth of scraps and crums. Hadn’t I responded quickly it would have all landed in my lap, but I zoomed backwards in my chair and was away from the mess, not one morsel of food made contact with me. I feel proud of that, but poor Uvindu he looked like a dumb ass, we all had a good laugh about and it got cleaned up.
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