Since for today I don’t have a lot of new material to entirely talk about, I’ll just dedicate my first story of the day to an update on this field trip I am going to for my AP Government class to Washington, D.C. It is on Friday, May 8. But one thing will make it’s on a blue day. Traditionally, I tended to loving blue days and hating gold days, but this year is the first year ever in Robinson history that I love gold days and hate blue days. But let’s compare and contrast. Blue days: Computer Graphics [awesome subject, Stephen Goodrick, but the rest of the class is weird], AP Government [cool subject, fun class, great teacher], Chemistry [awesome class, awful teacher, boring subject], and Spanish [so-so class, nice teacher, difficult]. Now for gold days: Geometry [dull class, TERRIBLE teacher...and math!!! AGH!!], AP Government [see above], English [funny class, awesome teacher, cool subject], and Health [Mr. Blair, somewhat boring subject, awesome class, chill workload].
So with the exception to Computer Graphics on blue days and Geometry on gold days I like blue days not as much as gold days. Wow, I can’t believe I wasted all that space on something that had totally no relevance to what I was focusing on. Hey now, we all make mistakes.
So that means I only have to go to Computer Graphics that day! That’s pretty sick, if I do say so myself!
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