For me, unlike most kids that Ram Model Congress on a gold day today had their first time, I was having my second time of Ram Model Congress, today. We picked our top three vital issues today, one of them being from a kid in our class named Abdul Jama. His issue was on stem-cell research, which as wierd as it sounds, (if it works) could make it possible to harvest and grow limbs, organs, etc. Creepy? Yes. But hey it’s a key pinaccle point that can define forensics and biological technology of the 21st century. We also talked about some not so surprising issues that were important. These were alternative fuels and improving our healthcare system.
From that, we drew up some possible conclusions to make the subject less broad. We agreed that for alternative fuels it would mean more ethanol in our gasoline, usage of more solar and wind technologies, plus renewable, clean power. We decided not to go into nuclear power. We decided to agree with Obama’s plan for healthcare that would make it easier for people that cannot afford healthcare to afford healthcare, and a plan for people who current are insured to keep their company. And for stem cell research we agreed we should fund it, because it actually doesn’t kill babies when you use a human embryo. There’s excess ones that’d get thrown away
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