Gill and Ben got to admit they had some sort of a grudge going on today in Health class. If they’re reading this right now...they’re probably laughing to themselves and in shock that I am actually putting this in my blog. Gill began to get pissed off, primarily because on Gill’s binder, notes, and bag...Ben was expressing In that I mean he was drawing hairy penises. And thank you Benjamin Wittig. Because of your actions, I used the word penis in my blog for the first time ever. I hope I don’t have to say it again anytime soon.
Also Gill, as “revenge” in her mind drew a heart symbol so it looked like Ben Wittig loves Gill. This really didn’t seem like much revenge as Ben’s quote said “for me drawing dicks, your going to give me your love?!” I cracked up, it was pretty funny. There was a handful of other things they said, but I cannot really remember so well. Let’s say they keep me entertained in Health, which despite Mr. Blair’s just a boring class. Mr. Blair is cool and all, but Health is boring.
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