Anyone who knows of Mastodon knows two things: first, and foremost, they're a prog/sludge metal band that's simply badass like no other, and secondly, they have an great sense of humor.
That being said, a b-side track from the Crack the Skye sessions, better known as Deathbound was released a while back, along with this music video.
Being behind the times, I am now getting around to sharing the link (since embedding the video has been seen as illegal).
To get a glimpse of what to expect, think of hell literally breaking loose in the puppet land in Mr. Rodgers (sp?) Neighborhood.
If that's too much brain power here's a screen shot that might not be allowed.
Here's the website that I ended up at when I Google Image searched "deathbound mastodon". |
UPDATE 9.07.2011 12:47 p.m. - I found a way for the video to be embedded. Going to the official YouTube channel of Mastodon. So here you go!
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