No really. This summer has been enduring like no other. The first events of the summer? Prom, graduation and the All-Night Grad Party? It seems like ages ago. Really does. As much fun as they were, I have been trying tirelessly to replicate the same amount of fun during those events during the summer. Evidently, it has not worked to the degree as I would like, and mixing that in with a mind-draining job as well as only going out of town once, it causes a painfully endless period of time.
That's not to say my summer has been terrible, far from it. In fact, the summer of 2011 will likely go down as the most eventful and thrilling summer I have ever experienced in my life. However, with all the grand moments, my job, which is working in a mini golf shack has caused my mind to wonder so much for so long during a five-hour time block. Consequently, I think way too many repetitive thoughts and beliefs. All of which centers around the main question: "how much longer?"
Vague? Yes. But it refers to the amount of time remaining until college, getting off work, and until I can do something with friends, or do something in general that is a thousand times more task-enforcing than staring around a mini golf course, twiddling your thumbs, and thinking your phone is vibrating with a new text message, when really no one has replied to my text I sent 40 seconds ago.
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