Once upon a time there was the magical land known as “Real Rock Music”, a province as you might say in the all might land of Music. It was back in the days of the early 1980’s, or some say around 1982. There lived a kid named Grunge. Grunge, he was angst-ridden kid with many things that pissed him off. Easily you could say that Grunge wasn’t exactly your kid you wanted to play on the playground with.Poor grunge didn’t have that many friends, Grunge’s parents, “heavy metal” and “alternative rock” abandoned him. The more popular kids such as Roots, Hardcore Punk, Metal and Blues left the Grunge alone. Grunge often was seen playing in the dirt, which is an urban legend of how he got his name. Grunge soon got tired of living in the land of “Real Rock Music” and moved to a far away foreign land off the map. Today, we call that newfound land “Seattle”. Grunge loved Seattle, primarily because it was a depressing city to live in. It rained, and rained, the sky was frequently grey and black. And you know what? Grunge loved it. He didn’t give a shit what others thought of him. He was kind of an underground independent thinker in organizing his thoughts.
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