February 25, 2008


Well I was all excited today about soccer tryouts. But that excitement was halted by a scene that looks like I got too excited. I was walking to class, then I waled through a heavy crowd of people. I walked out of the main pack then, I felt something wet on my left thigh. I thought "this does not feel right" so I looked down to see someone had poured water on my pants. Well, looking at the stain now, it was more of squirt than pour. If they poured it, I would have noticed then whacked them with the bottle. So now, an upside-down anchor-shaped stain is on my paints. I'm just glad though it's the last period of the day and that I do not need to wear jeans for soccer tryouts.

Watered pants

ENGLISH 9 JOURNAL ENTRY Well I was all excited today about soccer tryouts. But that excitement was halted by a scene that looks like I got...

February 21, 2008

Michael began to cry. He had turned into a wreck over the last few years. He sniffed too much 'secret' sugar as he called it. A druggie, he was a hopeless human being. It is what Michael became. Depression had severely struck him. Solely because of nose candy/crack, etc. Seeing the agony amongst him was heartbreaking, seeing his big red eyes and how he became messed up was a tragedy. I tried approaching him, but he almost broke my wrist so I left him be. Rehab would be the way for Michael, as once a good guy turned into a psycho drug whore.

Michael began to cry

Michael began to cry. He had turned into a wreck over the last few years. He sniffed too much 'secret' sugar as he called it. A drug...

February 19, 2008

I believe that most of the time, I am open to instruction, but sometime if I do not get it or understand, I'll try to do it on my own. This can lead to many things. It can be either an A: be better than what I asked. B: ironically but what was asked of correctly or C: be a total distater. Sometimes, I guess, I could tened to be stubborn to something I strongly believe in and be ignorant of others. But it has to be something I truly believe in. Like soccer is amazing.

My open/close minded state

I believe that most of the time, I am open to instruction, but sometime if I do not get it or understand, I'll try to do it on my own. T...


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